My Medic

The MyMedic MYFAK Basic First Aid Kit is 4x7x8 inches, encased in a heavy-duty 600 Denier soft case, and accessed through two, large, easy to pull zippers. It contains a limited quantity of consumables to treat minor injuries like scrapes and sunburns, the likes of which may be encountered at a fifth-grade soccer camp, but it simply lacks sufficient equipment to care for any serious traumatic injury or illness. For those traveling beyond the reach of traditional emergency medical services, you’ll want a more robust kit which also includes a full-sized SAM splint, a full-sized elastic bandage, an oral or nasal airway, and more than two packets of Tylenol. This would make a nice bug-out kit if you had to abandon a burning vehicle in the middle of no-where, but travelers with a vehicle’s payload at their disposal owe it to themselves to carry a kit with more robust capability, and this one is the equivalent of a doughnut spare.

MyMedic kits comes in four sizes from wallet to backpack: The Solo, MyFAK, The Recon, and The Medic, and each of those comes in a basic or advanced load-out depending on your level of medical experience ($50-$1250). My suggestion is to opt for one of the larger kits. And remember, a lack of formal medical training doesn’t preclude you from carrying a well-stocked kit that could be used by an experienced bystander if needed.  Doctor’s orders!

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